1-09-11 Damn I'm not sick again. I know what it is I was sneezed on 3 times this week by snotty children. I caught the flu, because my immune system is low after just being sick, and being tired.
2-09-11 Ok I just called Dr Chabrol, she said if I can come right away for them to hospitalise me for a couple days, so they can do blood tests to see if it's the same thing again. I'm going now, I think I'll take a taxi, as I can't take any dollypran before going there. I'll let Mai know I won't be able to see her, so problem solved.
It's good they took me in right away, and they are going to do the tests. That means I am being looked after. Meme should worry less than if I was sick at home.
Ok there is rien de grave, they don't think it is the same thing again. They think I have a little virus or a cold, that I got from somewhere. But they are doing the blood tests to be sure.
3-09-11 Good morning, I have no fever today, feeling better, just waiting to see the doctor again.
4-09-11 When I go to Italy, send a postcard to my grandparents. Make Christmas cards every year for grandparents, Vincent and family, D. and family, Mylene. Ink blots this year.
7-09-11 I extended my ticket, so I would have the time to pack. I'm going to spend the weekend with pepe and meme before leaving. My train is at 12h00 on Tuesday.
Sncf is coming to pick up my bags Friday afternoon.
And will deliver them to me Wednesday morning
I'm fine. I was tired Sunday night and Monday, but yesterday I was fine, I got a thank you gift for Mai, to say thank you for getting me into the hospital.
8-09-11 Contact phoebe to ask about coming to visit. Contact cazzie, contact mari. Contact Tasha, contact carole.
Next year
Dr Chabrol prescribed me some vitamins. Magnesium I think is in it.
So I'm taking those and Vitamin c, and eating an orange a day
It's so cold here, summer is really over
I still have so much to pack...
I don't know how I'm going to fit everything, dishes wise
I wish I could vacuum pack
The quilt takes up a whole bag almost
11-09-11 Write Anne rochette. I want to meet her. After reading about her work.
Last pic taken Porte des Lilas! |
10-09-11 Last night in the appartment with Stephy.
11-09-11 Going to Pepe and Meme's house for a couple days.
Everything is better after some sleep!
12-09-11 I took a taxi to Antony...that way I took the degraffeuse that D. had lent. Meme and Pepe are very sweet, very understanding. They want to come with me to montparnasse tomorow to see me off.
D. and Mai came over for a drink and to say goodbye
Gave Mai a little present (rose tea, candle) hand made card.
Everyone knows that I'm no longer eating meat.
Describe yourself: I am the blank piece in scrabble, I can be anything.
13-09-11 My grand-parents are the most wonderful grand-parents, the most wonderful people in the world! They paid for the taxi, they bought me a sandwitch, they came with me to the train stationm left at 10 to 12, waved goodbye,
Trip to Angers: What if the brown cows (they must have been) had been lions--a field of lions, how about that? A field of cows, black and white, filled me with as much excitement as if I was seeing Lord of the Rings come to life. It was the world of my picture books that I never saw in reality. Europe was as strange and wonderful a place as if it had been Narnia.
And the feeling intensifies/continues as I go into Angers, the buildings, the shops, the streets. I am living my own fairytale.
There are the same names all over France!
14-09-11 I am living my own fairytale. My apartment is beautiful. I can’t believe i live here! –
15-09-11 Called EDF, A technician will come. I will have electricity today!
Do a little victory dance! Whoop, woop!
Everyone just seems so happy here. It's contagious. Not like Paris.
I found the English library! Right near the arret Moliere.
The novelty is wearing off, it's lonely, but lonely is good, because it keeps me busy.
17-09-11 D. a dit: "On se demande si on ne les pousse pas vers les arts quand même". Parce que là, Kim a fait une école d'art, sa fille, le fils de Vincent, Gabriel, veut faire de l'art; et moi je vais en faire. I laughed so hard once I got it.
I realized I never gave a card to D. to thank him for the bed and everything he did. I mean I thanked him in person, but not with a present like I did for Mai.
Pepe counseled me to send him a little card... But I'm wondering if its a bit late now..
And if a postcard from angers is a good idea...
I had made a card for Mai
But i don't know if it matters if I make one or buy one
I just read such a lovely book
Robert des noms propres
Amelie nothomb a Belgian author
It didn't end so well, but it was about a little girl who enters l'ecole des petits rats
It really makes me think all top French schools are very sadistic
It says how they completely took out the joy of dance, c'etait comme un écrivan forcé de ne pas écrire et d'étudier la grammaire sans discontinuer
Anorexia is the teachers ideal for a ballerina
in the story, it works against her because she stops eating anything with calcium even yoghurt. And after two years, she breaks her hip getting out of bed, because her bones are so weak, and she is told she can never dance again
The ending gets even worse...but it was a nice story for most of it
There is a new movie about ballet
But she goes insane at the end, after achieving her dream of being the leading swan in lac des cygnes
All very tragic
I thought it was a well made movie... But I don't think everyone would like it
It's a thriller
I know where to go now to get internet
There is free WiFi at the Bibliotheque anglophone
I'm so happy, membership was free for me too for one year
it will be nice to have access to an English library too
They do events anglophone and stuff too, might be nice for meeting people. Or finding people that want to learn English
I am sleeping 12 hours a night again
Un peu trop...but maybe I need it
I want to be all rested up before school starts
and start exercising a bit, even walking
I was tired again after these last fevers, not like before, but still a bit tired
I'm going to rent a bike
I saw a place where they loan them for free
I'm a bit far from EEGP. I haven't gone there yet to time it
I know I have to take the tram and then a bus
I got a card, 240 for the year 12 months
Cheaper than doing it month by month
bus trams all
I'm in the north on the outskirts of angers
I need to find some shops or a market in my area, but so far I haven't found anything
I did some shopping at a lidl way across the opposite side of town
But I don't want to have to go there every time
I need to make friends with someone from my building so I can find out how they do it
I saw there is a tennis club around the area of my school. Maybe I can go there a couple times a week. I need to see what bons plans they have for students
when I arrived they gave me some booklets that helped
But it doesn't have for ordinary things like shopping and markets
It's fun to figure it out though...and get to know a city
Everything just takes longer in the beginning
I got a map, but its not very detailed
I had a funny dream last night
It's special, because I don't dream much anymore, but every so often I'll get a really vivid interesting dream
Part of it was I was taking photos of the sea, I was somehow flying over the sea, but then something happened and gravity caught up with me and I fell low enough for a shark to bite my arm
I was so worried about my camera getting wet
And I saw to my great delight that I had gotten a great close up photo of the shark's face right before he bit me
And then I could pass out in peace, knowing I had gotten this exceptional photo
I was taken to the hospital
And I think my camera was dried out
And then other things happened
Julie had dried my camera, and she had all these really nice clothes
Actually it was Uncle jim's fault I fell
He wanted to see the specks on my camera and was trying to grab it from me, and I was trying to get away from him and I lost my concentration
People from the ash home were in my dream
If only I could fly
I thought it meant I would do anything to get a good photo
Well I'm planning to go to a gun shop to take photos for my summer assignment--Territory
One view point was how we defend territory
its due for the rentree
I have a lot of interests
I think I will write a book one day
If I can just not forget anything, I have so much material
I wish I had my notes from when I lived in Congo
South Africa too
I think I threw it away
I gave meme my shoe, the Louis xvi
And she was like oh you need to continue, its so good
Maybe as a hobby I can do sculpture
It's a shame I didn't get to meet Anne Rochette
Maybe in the future
I'm glad I have such a caring mother