What the people say...


Clotilde : C’est une enfant qui m’a apporté tellement de joie, et je remercie Dieu pour chaque instant que j’ai vécu auprès d’elle. Je peux dire que dès sa naissance, j’ai eu le désir de jouir de chaque instant de sa vie. Je sais que Natalie avait beaucoup de talent, mais elle avait aussi un autre don peu ordinaire : son cœur semblait déborder d’amour et de compassion pour les autres, surtout pour les plus faibles ou les plus timides, et, discrètement et doucement, elle savait leur manifester cet amour et cette attention et les encourager. Elle avait aussi le don de la paix et de la réconciliation. Elle était discrète et ne voulait jamais s’imposer. C’est une enfant qui ne s’ennuyait jamais, elle avait toujours un projet en tête et pouvait passer des heures seule à le réaliser. Elle était aussi très sociable et se faisait facilement des amis, aussi bien parmi les jeunes de son âge que parmi les personnes plus âgées. Tout le monde l’aimait. Elle avait aussi un don avec les enfants, elle aimait beaucoup enseigner et les enfants l’adoraient. Elle adorait la vie et tout l’intéressait. Une de ses plus grandes joies, c’était de rendre les autres heureux. Elle n’oubliait jamais un anniversaire, et elle commençait dès le mois d’août à préparer les cadeaux de Noël qu’elle adorait offrir.

Floriane : Nous devions nous voir pour aller fêter son anniversaire et le mien en Belgique. C'était une fille formidable et combien douée dans tout ce qu'elle faisait. Elle amenait de la joie aux gens et on se sentait plus intelligent quand on la quittait et on avait toujours envie de la revoir. J’ai passé de super bons moments avec Natalie.

Gina Caroni : I've tried to write before but I didn't know what to say. Nothing can make it better. Nat was a wonderful, wonderful person. And I miss her very much. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've been praying for you. She was a good and loyal friend and I don't know if you've seen her Facebook page, but everyone loved her. She was talented, beautiful, and something rarer these days--kind. I've known her for several years but we first really became friends at the FDTP. I was scared of all the people and lonely, and she befriended me. She made sure I stopped work sometimes and came out of my hole. She pushed me to give a chance to someone I liked. She helped take care of me when I was sick. We were almost opposites but she wasn't frivolous or casual about her life and we clicked on that. We talked about our beliefs, our families, the things we were struggling with, our plans for the future. When I moved to South Africa last year, we lived in the same home. She was always busy: study, working, raising funds. And we talked less. Knowing that hurts. I regret it so much. She was sick more often than most people, but I didn't know it was an ongoing thing. I thought she was just overworking herself and needed a break. And she said she would take one; once exams were over, once she had raised enough funds for her ticket. We've always kept in touch but we were both so busy--new studies, new jobs, moving. And we thought we had all the time in the world. It seems like such a stupid thing to take for granted now. But she was so, alive. And happy. And so full of plans. A few days before we saw each other online, chatted for a few minutes. She made some silly joke about it being good to know I was alive, and I said it back to her. She wanted to talk but I was exhausted from work and it was so late. I asked her if it was okay to do that another time and I went to bed. The next week my sister told me that she was gone. Just gone. I wouldn't believe her. It was too unfair and too cruel. And then it just hurt, and hurt, and hurt. I've been wishing over and over that I could wind back time. Stay up with her a little longer, talk and hang out together. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. But I know she knows that. And I know she's okay now--better than okay. Wonderful. But I love her, and I miss her. And I wanted you to know that. Everyone wants to say lovely things when someone passes on. And sometimes it's just words. But your daughter was a lovely person. And she is very much missed. I'm sorry I didn't write before. And I'm sorry that you're probably hurting so much more than I could possibly imagine. No parent should ever have to say goodbye to their child. But if it makes it hurt a little less to know that she was great, she was loved, and she is missed--she was and she is. Thank you for always being so kind to me when I was going through rough times. I guess that's where Nat got it from. I'll never forget to pray for you and your family. With love, Gina

Amber Hawron : « C’est si difficile à croire. J’ai encore le gilet jaune qu’elle avait tricoté pour mon fils Aiden avant sa naissance. Elle avait passé une semaine avec nous à Johannesburg avant notre départ pour l’Australie. Elle était si douce avec les enfants, elle venait dans ma chambre pour passer du temps avec eux, toujours prête à me donner un coup de main. Elle méritait le meilleur de la vie, pour tout ce qu’elle donnait aux autres, et pour la beauté de son esprit.”
It's so hard to believe. I still have the yellow sweater she knitted for Aiden before he was born. We got to spend time with her when she stayed with us in Joburg right before we left for Australia. She was so sweet with the kids, just showing up in my room to spend time with them, help me with whatever I needed etc. She deserved the best of everything for all she gave and for her beautiful spirit. --Amber

Steph: Natalie was an incredible person with a beautiful soul. She always had a clear sense of standing up for those weaker than her and she had so much compassion in her heart. I always loved the way she stayed cheerful even when things got rough. She surprised me once with a painting for my birthday when we lived together last. It seemed like she was always doing something for others. She was an amazing artist and saw beauty in everything. I am will miss her deeply. 

Mike : >I just heard the terrible news of sweet Nati’s passing. It’s so hard to believe. I just wanted say that you raised an amazing daughter. She was one in a million and in being with me she made me the luckiest young punk in the world. Natalie was the best thing that ever happened to me and I just wish I had stayed with her. Never the less I am very grateful for the time I had with her. I know I’ll probably never find someone so sweet loving and perfect as her. She was just the greatest girl. I love her and miss her like crazy. The world is certainly a lesser place without her, but heaven just got a little bit better, with a beautiful new angel. 
« Je viens d’apprendre la terrible nouvelle du décès de Natalie. C’est si difficile à croire. Je voulais juste dire que vous avez élevé une fille extraordinaire. Il n’y en avait pas deux comme elle et quand elle était avec moi elle a fait de moi le type le plus veinard du monde. Natalie est la meilleure chose qui me soit jamais arrivé dans la vie et je regrette de ne pas être resté avec elle. Pourtant, je suis reconnaissant du temps que j’ai passé auprès d’elle. Je ne trouverai sans doute jamais de fille aussi bonne, aimante et parfaite. Elle était absolument la meilleure. Je l’aime et elle va me manquer énormément. »--Mike

Steph Kelly : Natalie was an incredible person with a beautiful soul. She always had a clear sense of standing up for those weaker than her and she had so much compassion in her heart. I always loved the way she stayed cheerful even when things got rough. She surprised me once with a painting for my birthday when we lived together last. It seemed like she was always doing something for others. She was an amazing artist and saw beauty in everything. I am will miss her deeply.

Isabelle Colon : (conseillère pédagogique au Lycée Français de Kinshasa) J'ai le souvenir d'une jeune fille délicate et belle, un ange que j'ai apprécié quand elle était au lycée Descartes; je ne savais pas qu'elle souffrait, je me joins à vous deux dans cette terrible épreuve et pleure avec vous le départ prématuré de cette enfant. J'ai aimé son sourire, sa gentillesse et sa modestie

Robin : You have so many who loved Natalie specially. I got to be her roomie for a few days at Phoebe’s home when we were there during the Fifa witnessing. I just loved talking with her—so intelligent, warm & such a beautiful person. She is going to be dearly missed. In Memory of dear Natalie Anne. We are going to miss your beautiful smile and intelligent, spunky ways. Dom and Marie, we are with you in heart & spirit through this difficult time. We know she has gone on to a better place & many rewards in Heaven for the love she gave here on earth.

Janet : Natie will never be forgotten—the memories we have of her will always be in our hearts. I feel so blessed to have shared a small part of her life while you were all here in SA, and will always remember her as a genuine, fun-loving, yet deep hearted person.

 Mike and Donna : She is one of the nicest young people we have ever met.

Alain et patricia : She was a fighter, and we know how much she had to overcome for the past two and half years. She was so special and we will miss dearly! C’était une battante, et nous savons combien elle avait de choses à surmonter ces 2 dernières années. Elle était spéciale et elle va nous manquer terriblement !

Celly Kamoi : I want you to know you've been in my thoughts and prayers these past weeks. I just saw your status, and so I wanted to send something. Dear Nati Anne, You're a wonderful person, a beautiful soul. I still can't believe the reality, it makes me cry... I'm thankful for the time I got to know you and spend time with you. I will always keep the memory of you inside my heart. I know you're going to have the best birthday ever in heaven. Don't forget us down here; watch over us from where you are.

Stefan Merour : You were a beautiful, wonderful girl. You will be missed. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love you! Xx

Brian Whyte : I'd be so thrilled to have this included in the memorial, as I'd feel I was a part of it & want everyone to know how special I feel Natalie Anne is.. Sending lots of love & prayers to you & your dear family, Brian
 "To the beautiful, bright, loving, outgoing, unselfish, humble, truly wonderful Natalie Anne...The candle of her life was snuffed out too soon...but though her life was short, she'd already left her mark on this world & touched many lives..She was not only friendly & kind, but also amazingly talented, smart & creative...her artistic talent will live on in all the paintings she has hanging all over Africa..I remember when I took her to the university of Johannesburg where she was to sit for her SAT test, she scored in the top 2 percent of any who'd taken the test in the entire history of that school...I can't remember Natalie Ann ever scowling, angry or even highly irritated...she was a reflection of Christ's love with her every action...I've heard it said that some become Angels upon reaching their heavenly destination...Natalie Anne arrived there already one...
"Like" or comment below if you agree that Natalie Anne will be always missed, but never forgotten..

Steve DanielI'm so very sorry for your loss i want to offer my sincerest condolences to you at this very difficult time. My heart goes out to you and your family and you'll all be in my prayers. i know that nothing i can say can make you feel any better but please know that i mourn your loss Natalie was a good friend and a very sweet person and i'm going to miss her.If you could give me your parent email i would like to send them my condolences. love and prayers steve

Melissa Rodrigues : I was so shocked to hear the news. I remember when she visited me a few years back, her and I got very close. She was such an amazing person and clever as hell. I regret not keeping in touch with her more often when she left SA. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Please pass this msg on to your parents. Love you. Xox

Chantal Page : Thinking and praying for you and your family. Natalie will always be in our hearts and greatly missed. She was a amazing girl. x x x

Amy McGinley : I’m so so sorry for your loss… our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. One thing I will always remember about Natalie is that she was always smiling. Lots of love. x x

Angelique Legnell : Yes, that's exactly how I'll remember her. She always seemed to be a bundle of joy. Our prayers are with you and your parents. -Matt and Ange

Marie Biard : Pls know that you are in our thots and prayers, your family has a very special place in our hearts as Nati always will!!

Emma Bulajewski : I'm so so sorry! I have no words... she's the sweetest little ray of sunshine, gone far too soon.

Leilani Rose Ferriera Rodrigues : My thoughts and prayers are with you. Natalie was a very beautiful, smart and talented girl our thoughts of her will always be good ones. Love you! 

Samantha Rogers : Natalie's gorgeous and happy smile will always be remembered. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Juan David Nascimento : I’m Juan David from Venezuela, I’m a friend of Natalie… I met her in SA. I'm really sorry for your loss, Natty was there for me when I needed someone, I'll be here for you and your family whenever you need someone…

Jenny Natividad : am a friend of Natalie sorry if im rude i give all ur family my bless for what happened to Natalie i live in Peru but i truly appreciate how talented she was... How this could happened?? I remember i talked to her days ago :/ i can't believe it... hope u can answer me back im concerned
Thank you a lot,
 I'd like to say something for her... I just wrote this the some days ago!
 Opposite places, different towns
Distant minds but you were so smart
So good being yourself all the time
I won’t be the same without you around
But you told me that I need to be brave
When you were not here, I still believe
I’m dreaming
But you're an angel no matter where are you...
I understand u're now there and I’m here
But I’m so lucky that I have met you...
 I just need to breathe and imagine you're still so happy
I’m just another human being and I just want to tell you that you will stay with me
Always in my mind!
Everything you did will be reminded
You took a piece of everyone’s heart that loves you
If I didn't tell you that you were important for me,
I’m a fool but you know that you have always known that...
 Meet you on the other side, Natalie
There isn't a day which you're not in my prays and thoughts...
Wherever you are there always will be an open door for you, you're still here I know.
I will meet you in my dreams day by day.
 Thanks for everything, so far away and yet you feel so close. 
Love you, Rest in peace Natty--Jenny

Marie Merour : Though I only knew u briefly during the FDTP, u were always so sweet, thoughtful and ready to help out. It was a privilege to have known u, will miss u.... rest in peace! XXX

Mina Dan : You are missed and loved.

Bob Joe : I will miss you Nat. You were beautiful in many ways! I love the fact that you weren't afraid to dream, and reach out for those dreams and put them into action. You have touched more lives than I'm sure we'll ever know. Keep up the good work. All my love

Brian Whyte : Watch over us from the other side, baby girl. Enjoy ur freedom as u fly with ease. Put in a good word 4 us & kno that we'll see u soon…we'll never forget u.

Gina Caroni : You were a good friend. I wish I could've said goodbye. I'm glad you're not sick anymore. Love you.

Ben Leclerc : It was a joy to have you in our lives. Natalie, you will be sorely missed.

Faye Colaço : Wish I had done more for you Natalie. Thank you for being a sincere, true friend.

Phil Traas : Sweet dreams Natalie, I'll see you on the other side. Your smile, your creative talents, your bravery, your sweet disposition and many more things will be greatly missed!

Amanda : I miss you little bundle of Joy!! Thank u for the most amazing Thai curries I've ever tasted and all the other great memories I have of you... You were the best secret birthday party planning partner I ever had ;) I wish there was some way of going back in time to tell u just how special you are...

Jen-Ai Freulon : You were so sweet. I'm going to miss your smile. You made friends so fast, always gave genuine compliments, concerned for others, and boy were you talented! See you again Up There...

Joel F. Adams : I only met you a few times, all at the start of this year, but it was clear what an awesome, intelligent and funny person you were. Its clear how many lives were touched by you, and how much you will be missed.

Melissa Rodrigues : I have many fond memories with you Natalie Anne. Our intellectual debates, those late nights with hot chocolate, and of course your amazing art. You had so much going for you and will be greatly missed. I just wished I had shown you how much you meant to me more often. Natalie Anne, I love you.

Leilani Rodrigues : You were such a beautiful person who touched so many lives. Your memory will live on in our hearts forever.

Chantal Page : Natalie, will always remember and have u in my heart. Love you so much xxx

Checca Aird : You are missed Natalie Anne x

Andrew Odeon : Perhaps they are not stars but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost Ones shines down to let us know they are happy

Elaine Horwitz : You were smart, focused and well spoken.

Mikey Richard : Natalie ... you will be missed

Sophie Marianne : The last time I saw you. I let you go home alone in the rain at 5 am...I can never make that up. I sorry and will miss you. Forgive us

Natali Emerald : I don’t want to believe that you're gone Natalie Anne. You were an amazing friend to me. I wish I had had the chance to tell you how much of an impact you had on my life while I was growing up. You were one of the few friends I had; my best childhood friend, and its cuz of you that I decided at 8 yrs old, that I wanted to follow Jesus, cuz I looked at you and admired the maturity you had...you were there...

Céleste Verger : I wish we didn't push off till later all the times we wanted to hang out in Paris together. We’re going to miss you...

Shoba Daniels : RIP Natalie. U were a sweet person, will miss u tons

Anthony Montes : You’ll be sorely missed. 

Daniel Meacham : To one of the nicest girls I know.. T'was Grace that taught... My heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved.

Rosita : Natalie...we had some great childhood memories, will miss you tons…xx

Machi Farooqui : U were one awesome lady. U will be missed.

Malaika Joy : awwww... baby! You are one beautiful soul xxxxxx

Chloe Montes : Lots of love, you'll be so missed! xx

Celly Kamoi : Love you Nati Anne.

John Wesseling : All the best to you Natalie!

Sabine Rich : You'll be missed Nati! I'm glad I got to be apart of your life!

Melody Blomqvist : Such an awesome lady. Gonna miss you!

Tina Kapp : We'll miss you.

Gabi Amador : Nat, glad I got to meet you.

Emma Bulajewski : No words little Natalie!

Jan Poole Banker : Sweet wonderful Natie, I thank God for the wonderful memories of you, and count it a privilege to have known you...and pray for your dear loved ones at this time.

Rebecca Dickinson : I remember meeting her in Chennai when I was little. I was super shy, but she just came up and talked to me and made me feel accepted. She was one of my best friends when we were in Chennai together. She was such an interesting person, so sweet and so smart, and I always loved talking to her. Everyone who knew her will miss her, and look back on her as a rare, wonderful, beautiful friend.

Lisa Biard : I feel horrible about losing touch with her, even when she was here we really drifted apart, but we were best friends as kids and had tons of fun together. Me and Nati shared so many dreams and aspirations, but she's the one who actually worked towards making her dreams reality. Nothing I can say will make anything better but I wanted to let you and your parents know that you are in my thoughts. Please let your parents know that I'm praying for them! I love you guys!

Mina : The last time I saw you, you gave us one of your art works. I don't know why you did, but we will treasure it. And we will miss the sweet, kind and caring person that you are. You truly are a beautiful soul and your smile will never be forgotten. There is a song playing here on the radio called "If I die young" Every time I hear it the tears come as I think of you. Our love is with you and your family. We will miss you.

Cazzie Barker : All thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Steph. Natalie was so close to all of our hearts and will be truly missed. She was such a stunning girl and the memories we have will always be treasured. Much, much love.

Mariangela:   You loved words and you always wanted me to write, but it almost seems pointless writing anything because there’s nothing I can say that really means anything…

  I guess I could say, that saying goodbye to you is one of the hardest things I’m ever gonna have to do in my life. Every single part of me wants to reject reality, I don’t want to believe it’s true, but I wouldn’t swap a second of the pain if it meant I never got to say, “Hello” in the first place. As goodbye is too hard, I’ll say “thank you” because even though I didn’t deserve it, I was lucky enough to have you as my friend.

  To me you’re unforgettable; you’re wound up in so many of the things we loved.  Art is supposed to go beyond the physical to reach soul and now when I encounter any of these moments I am reminded of you. How you loved beauty and everything worth valuing in life.

  But to me the gift of our friendship is the most perfectly beautiful thing I know.

  So, all that’s left to be said, and I say this for my whole family, in our hearts forever will you be loved, missed and cherished.

Gino : From the day of her birth Natalie brought us so much happiness, joy, laughter and warmed our hearts through the years with her innocence and love for life and living. She was gifted and talented in so many areas. Besides art she had a real gift for writing, putting her ideas, thoughts, emotions and dreams to words. She loved reading which gave her a wide perspective on life. She was determined, focused and worked hard at whatever she put her mind and heart to, art, writing or music. But her greatest gift was the gift of love for others, her concern and care, was always there to fill a need, be a listening ear or a helping hand. She touched so many lives. This is the most difficult moment of my life. The heartbreak and pain of losing her to this earthly life is hard and is more than I can bear. But I look to Jesus when He said, I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth on Me though he were dead yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never, ever die. (Je suis la résurrection et la vie. Celui qui croit en moi vivra, quand même il serait mort; et quiconque vit et croit en moi ne mourra jamais.)     I find courage, strength and comfort from this fact that she is now safe in heaven and happy in Jesus’ arms.

Facebook postings on Dec.9, 2011:
Today in France is your birthday Natalie Anne... You're still in my heart and I will remember you, your face, your voice everyday. You'll be always blessed surrounded by the ones who loves you. Happy 20 bday ! Love you always, gorgeous !

Natali Emerald font-family: inherit; font-size: small; text-indent: -18pt;">To a one-of-a-kind, gorgeous, caring, amazing person on your birthday, i know it'll be the best one you ever had since your up there now...but we'll miss you down here. Know i love you and am glad my life was blessed with knowing you. can't wait till i see you again. xoxoxox

 Juan David Nascimento  Natalie! Happy Birthday TOO YUU! 
I see u.. into your eyes.. there is pure beauty, love and peace..
You r so cool.. I remember trying to take you to the dance floor to dance reaggeton with me.. and you were always saying "no no thats too much
for me" hehe.. u r such a great friend. Now U must be dancing with Jesus..
Have a great one natisita! Thanks for making me a better person.
I promise you this new year i'll "leave a positive lasting impression on others" like u said.
Love you and miss you. Juan

BTW.. i love ur awesome smile.. I will wear it this year

Tina Kapp Happy Birthday Nati, you left such a wonderful memory in your wake you are an example to all of us. Love and miss you!

Mamta Phulphagar Hey Natalie, hope all is well, wishing you the very best.. have a wonderful birthday .. love you lots...

Lizz Casey Heya my darling Natalie, I am thinking even more of you on this beautiful day for your birthday :)) I hope that where you are you can see how much we love you and miss you :)) xoxoxo

Pheebs Dreier I wish i could've known you better. But the times I was around you were always memorable. You had a unique quality of mixing personable kindness, a fun-loving personality, and genius--with wisdom beyond your years!!Your family and friends miss you dearly...at least it's only until then...Happy Birthday Natalie Anne ·        

Pilou Crapou  ‎" On s'est aimé comme un se quitte,
Tout simplement sans penser à demain,
Un demain qui vient toujours un peu trop vite,
Aux adieux qui quelquefois se passent un peu trop bien. "
Repose en paix

·         Steve Daniel Thank you Natalie for the time that you spent with us for the good things you did that went unnoticed for the friend that you were to me. though i know that your in a better place i take this special day to remember and celebrate fully your life that touched us all.

·         Amanda Sls I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your Birthday and Memorial! Please forgive me ... all my thoughts are with u today!! ·      Brian Whyte Enjoy ur B'day, Natalie..it'll, no doubt be ur best 1 yet..we'll be right where u left us..drop in every now & then & check on us, wld u? LY! ;)

 Lana Olivier Happy Birthday! you are in my thoughts....though i know you're in a better place...take care xxx

·      Melody Blomqvist Happy Birthday Beautiful! Missing you alot, but I know you're in a better place. U are such a beautiful soul and will be remembered always. Love u, xx

·      Ghead Kidnt Elle était belle, elle était reine
Je l'avais dans mon corps, je l'avais dans mes veines.
Peine lourde que de subir ses choix je sens que le tord
Viens de moi délors que je me remémore sa voix.
Elle est partie et je me sentais impuissant
Après ses peines prolongées je me dis que je suis sans 

Celle que j'ai conquis que j'ai chéri mais qui a péri.
Pourquoi est le seul mot qui hante mes jours

Quand autant d'amour finis sur un non retour
N'y avait-il pas de recours
Quand on perd un être cher, il faut pour qu'il existe
Dans ton coeur, pour qu'il ne subsiste pas que des erreurs
Des pleurs, et pour qu'il ne meurt jamais dans
Notre esprit, prie car tu as appris qu'aimer n'a pas de prix.

Chloe Montes Happy birthday beautiful girl! I bet you having a wonderful day, we miss you xx  

Emma Bulajewski Happy Birthday sweet girl! Missing our chats and talks about life. Always remembered. xx

·     Julia Leclerc  Happy birthday Natty!!!
I know you are having the best birthday ever up there...wish I could join in the Party:)
I love you natty...Thanks for the love and beauty you gave to us while you were here.
You were an angel among us.

·     Sam Bennett font-family: inherit; font-size: small;">Attended Natalie Anne's funeral today, it was a lovely service and she will be sorely missed... R.I.P. sweetie.

·     Sabine Rich Here's to celebrating you, Nati! All the lives you have touched and the people you have loved and those who have loved you! You'll always be apart of us!

Jen-Ai Freulon Happy Birthday Natalie! I couldn't make it today to your memorial, but it doesn't mean I love or miss you any less. xx
happy birthday nathalie hope that you can see that video wherever you are! I know that you loved it. xx

Celly Kamoi You're a wonderful person, a beautiful soul. I still can't believe the reality, it makes me cry... I'm thankful for the time I got to know you and spend time with you. I will always keep the memory of you inside my heart. I know you're going to have the best birthday ever in heaven. Don't forget us down here, watch over us from where you are.