Thursday, April 18, 2013

October 2011--First week at EEGP

first classes monday afternoon, it seems like it's going to be interesting
thursday was just an introduction
they had people come and talk to us about the social security
i am going tomorow morning to etablir a medecin traitant
my health is fine
i'm still tired...but i think i can manage it with coffee
i got the schedule, unless it changes, we have two mornings without classes
we will have lots of homework to do i'm sure
they made it clear that the priority of these years is to make a portfolio that we can use when applying for jobs after school
oh and we have to do 2 months of internship at the end of the year
I didn't finish the summer project...
I was trying to work on it this weekend, but I had pressing things to do saturday
and today i slept
I'm just going to have to tell them I was sick all summer, and finish it, even if it is late...
although it is strange... ya they warned us that skipping classes means very little chance of having our diploma
so my health had better stay good

oh i got a sport card
i had to pay 9 euros for the year, i get free access to tennis courts and stades, and discounts on any other sporting activity
I want to look into getting a bike, so i can bike to school every day, or at least half of the way,
they apparently loan them for the year for free
i have to walk so far to get anything in my area, it's crazy
there is nothing really nearby, it's meant for you to have a car
or i have to take the tram into town
there are no markets nearby, at least not on the weekend
please pray i can get a good medecin traitant tomorow
i tried to call to make an appointment but i couldn't get through
our first class is at 13h30 tomorow
tuesday, wednesday and thursday classes all day starting at 8h30
we have wednesday afternoon off, and friday in the afternoon
at least for this week
45 minutes to go to eepg
so i have to factor in an hour
if i decide to bike i'm curious if it will take longer or waiting for the bus
it's a nice place
even if it is a bit far from everything...
i'm happy
there are tons of students so..
i found the laverie in the area, not that close but i can walk to it
there are some shops around it, not the cheapest, but i can get all the basics
i had to wash everything from the mouse
but i shouldn't have to do laundry again for a month or so ha

i think the fevers did something to my brain
i'm so slow

29-09-11 Une matinée consacrée à la présentation générale de l'année: emploi du temps, organisation générale, présentation des enseignants et dernières démarches administratives.

Conversation with mom:
me: i still feel so guilty that i am studying. I should be taking out a loan, not taking from you guys for what little you have from when you get too old to work. I guess I can pay you back once I start working.

mom: oh stop it we are so happy the lord supplied so we can help you
we only wish we could do more

5-10-11  Spent the afternoon sketching
and out for a drink with Celeste, Flo, Lorrie.

6-10-11 Dad's birthday, send him an ecard.

Afternoon shopping with friends, preparing for big party.

7/10/11 When I try to have it all I don't sleep. I die. Why don't I just try to live one life instead of trying to live 7. Is that even an option for me? 
I only got 4 hours sleep, broken up.
Amazing class with Jesse Cousseau. I have a BIG teacher crush.
It took me years to learn that it's not a crime to love what you do, to enjoy life for the sake of enjoying it. It's ok if everything you do doesn't save the world.
The FDTP wasn't a waste of time. It taught me important social skills. It was a trial run for university. The prepa, the year in Paris taught me things.
I want to do a stage at Jessy Cousseau's illustration department. I want to work with typography.

I got a lady who wants me to give her english classes
she's coming over at 9 30 tomorow, 20 euros an hour
I went to the pole d'emploi today
I just don't know how I'm going to have the time
I thought I had 3 free half days a week, but they just changed our schedule and we have classes every day now
so no more
which means I have no time for anything in the week
I think for this month I need to concentrate on my studies
they gave us alot of work to do
I will have to take out a loan next year if I can't manage everything
ya I think I'm crazy...there are just not enough hours in the day to lead 3 lives
I had made an appointment with a doctor for wednesday afternoon that was supposed to be free from classes
but now they added one, so...I'm going to have to change my appointment
It's a design product class I really don't want to miss it

everything is in french
even the one english teacher speaks french the whole time
I feel like I'm behind everyone else
but on the upside people are very nice, happy to help me explain things
It's just this one teacher mainly that talks really fast
with a different accent
it's informatique so all the vocabulary is new to me
I'm so perplexed how I can get myself out of this
I'm making friends easily
people are so much friendlier here than in my prepa
I am going to talk to somebody about my problem
but the teacher doesn't speak english
and I'm the only person in the class that doesn't speak french
there are a few british people, or half, but they are completely bilingual
plus they grew up in france
But today we had a really nice teacher
it's a joke, this is the hnd, but it's all in french
except for some subjects that are written in english, one precisely, I'm quite annoyed
we were told it would be 50/50 french and english, but all the teachers are french so.. the majority wins
i guess it is what I was prepared to do if I went to public university
It was just a surprise because I thought it would be easier on me this year
It just means I'm slower which means I need more time which I have less of
I'm going to talk to someone on Monday
my conclusion is I need to teach myself, at least the computer programs, but I still have to sit in class
the other ones aren't so bad, I get everything
and today our assignment is syntheses, and the teacher said I can write in english
and someone else from the group can write in french
because I hate not being able to contribute to writing
but the photography classes are annoying because if he says anything in english, he talks very slowly and then repeats it in french
so i'm bored out of my mind
and then I'm totally lost in the other classes
I spend my time trying to figure out the translation, and then they're moving on
it's the first week
it's annoying so far
except for dessin
and the typography class today was fascinating
so was the synthese
it's a shame I can't understand it all in french, but she is going to give me the resume of the class
in french, but then at least I can look words up and study it again
everyone is telling me just to ask questions when I don't understand, that I have just as much right to be there as anyone else
but I'm a bit shy, and I don't like disrupting the whole class for dumb questions
it's just so futile to have to learn a program like illustrator in french, when if I work anywhere, it really doesn't matter
I need to get books and learn it myself
I'm going to talk to them
Anyways I'm really tired from lack of sleep last night, I'm fine health wise
I don't know how it's going to work
anyways something will work out
hopefully I can get parties lined up

yesterday I didn't write dad because I was in class from morning until late
and then I was invited to a friend's house and I had left my phone at school so I couldn't write from my phone
I had left it charging
and then I had to get up early this morning at 5 30 to get home to go to the pole d'emploi
and then I went back to class in the afternoon
I'm glad I got that appointment over with
but...I have a feeling it is a little bit useless
they are proposing me tutoring jobs, and it's hours with a low pay
well kind of like what I was doing in paris, nothing to spit on, but for the moment the one place I called didn't need anyone anymore
I just don't have the afternoons as early as I used to
I used to finish at 16h, now it's 17h or 17h30
they cut that class that went till 19h, it was exceptional, and a mistake in the scheduling
they said 80 percent of the work we have to do at home 20 percent is in the classes
I don't have time in the week, that's all, unless they give us less classes again...which I doubt.
anyways, something will work out
oh they did let me in to the aide alimentaire
I can get a week's worth of groceries, for 3 euros
it's really good
you get so many points a month, and I have to get things from this little storeroom they have
solidarite aide jeunesse
all year except vacations
and then with the resto u when I'm not in class
I'll be fine
It's just I have to rush there monday afternoon, after school, they are only open for a couple hours on mondays only
but it's ok, I do my shopping for the week
and since I don't eat meat it helps ha
oh I didn't tell you I'm a vegetarian now, except I eat fish
I just read so many awful articles about meat a while back
not to mention all the hormones they feed them
fish still seems safe
it's only awkward if I'm invited somewhere...
yesterday they made like a bourguignon where you dip the raw meat into boiling oil to cook
it was so disgusting
they made me ratatouille, so sweet
i had told them before I was a vegetarian but they had forgotten
anyways...I of course was like oh no don't worry about it I don't have to eat with you, I'll come over later
but they insisted and made me something else...
well I'll see if I'm invited again ha
I told them I could cook next time lol

have to keep hoping
i overheard someone made a comment today, "just one more thing she's done to make life difficult for herself" (it wasn't addressed to me)
lol if they only knew...
but it's not all bad
overall i'm happy
I just need to get serious about the school and make it a priority
I know mom and Dad are doing more than enough
I just will need to take out a loan if I have to, I'm using my inheritance for now

11-10-11 I feel like I have a fever.

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