26th of May, 2008
Well I had manioc for the first time this evening. It tastes and looks a little bit like pop, which I like (in the right setting obviously, and in small quantities), but it has a little extra added flavour, which develops into a sort of bitter aftertaste. Pop is a little plainer and purer (shall I say), and they put salt in it when they make it. This one you don’t apparently, but I guess if it was mixed with a nice sauce to sort of mask the taste, it could be alright. We had it with fish though, but that apparently is the traditional way to eat it (obviously, as those are their chief food sources anyway, the cassava and fishing). Not really my favorite choice for a meal..but it was an experience.
cassava, from which you make manioc |
Foufou, the real thing! |
Well Joe said it tasted like dough that hasn’t been cooked, my dad told us that manioc actually has arsenic in it (which apparently makes you a little funny in the brain…if you eat it for your whole life)…which also apparently is a cure for aids. Mylene liked it though. My mom’s the funniest though, after telling us before how bad and terrible it was and how it was so completely unedible when she tried it the last time she came here…said it was quite nice with lemon on it and that she could get used to it….that it was good practice for if we ever got invited anywhere. Of course with all that arsenic in it…if it doesn’t kill us it’s bound to be healthy as apparently it also prevents against malaria(or something like that), and has some other properties that help cure cancer.
The wonder food!

I’m tired, and I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow (well I’m pushing it to 5:40…5:45…I set two alarms just in case) to go meet with the principal of the Lycee Descartes school…and see if they’ll take me…and what procedures we have to go through to enroll for a scholarship.
The Lord knows best, even though it does seem like a great option right now if it comes through…He knows if it’s a good plan or not, and I guess I just have to trust and pray that it will work out alright. I’m praying for it….that whatever happens it will be the perfect solution that will help me to learn French fluently and have a life with the outside world at the same time. He knows….and will work out whatever is best, because He said that those who choose the very best are those who leave the choices up to Him, and I don’t want to push for something that is not going to turn out to be the better choice in the long run. I know so little, and I don’t want to continually be getting it wrong, time and our lives are precious. I know you’ll have it Your way, and that Your way will be best for me and for my life in the long run.
My friend Floriane Well, I ended up not staying very long at lycee Descartes, but I made a wonderful friend--Floriane. Her mom so kindly drove me home pretty much every night and she helped me with my "devoirs" and all the stuff I had a hard time understand. She came with me once to Kikimi and was just great with the kids!
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