Saturday, September 29, 2012

Durban, South Africa--2006

My mom cut my hair just the way I wanted!
Before my haircut
Decorating Jed's birthday cake with Janet

Cheese platter (I learned how to make roses out of tomatoes)
I actually knitted that scarf for my sister Stephanie

My niece Nikki wearing the sweater I knitted for her

Knitting for Nikki

Nikki's sweater

Front and back
Social Studies report: Venezuela

Splashy Fen Festival

Odds and Ends
Julie, Lisa and me

My 15th birthday

Before my hair cut

With Julie and Lisa

I pierced it, without my mom knowing...

Must have been another birthday celebration at an Italian restaurant, our family tradition

Lisa and me

Christmas with Stephy

Painting the jacaronda tree from my balcony

Monday, September 3, 2012

Paris--January 2005

Sorry, I forgot my stop over in Paris back in January 2005, on our way to D.C. So, let me take you on a little tour of winter. My grand-parents took me on the bateau mouche, which is a great way to see most of the monuments. Most of the sightseeing pics are taken from the bateau mouche. Enjoy...

Sur le bateau mouche

Avec mes grand-parents sur le bateau mouche (il faisait super froid! brrrrrr...)


le Grand Palais

Avec Grand-Mere devant la statue de  Henri IV sur le square du Vert Galant

Henri IV

Hotel Dieu

Hotel de Ville

Ile St Louis


Le Louvre

La Maison de la Radio

Musée d'Orsay

Aperçu de l'Obelisque

Palais de Chaillot

Mes grand-parents

Pont Alexandre III

Pont Neuf

Pont aux Changes

Pont de Bir Akeim

Pont des Arts

Notre statut de la liberté

Sainte Geneviève

Tour St Jacques (un peut cachée derrière les échafaudages)

Notre Dame
Notre Dame
Notre Dame
Tour Eiffel en hiver

Zouave du Pont de l'Alma

Dégustant une pizza avec mes grand-parents à la fontaine des St Innocents

Baking with my grand-mother: tarte aux pommes (notice, we're both dressed in orange, in her orange kitchen...)

Galette des rois: 
C'est Grand-mère qui a eu la fêve et elle a choisi Papa comme roi...

But I also got to wear the crown for the fun of it...and celebrate with a little French wine from my grand-father's cellar (see my rosy cheeks?)
Parc de Sceaux: 

See the rainbow?

Playing on my grand-mother's piano

Actually, it's my uncle's piano

My cousin Kim

Eliane Desfray, ma grand-mère

Louis F., mon grand-père