Letters to a friend

Frederick Nitcheze was mad!  A witty saying proves nothing.-- Voltaire

It's true that on the subject some of its most eloquent arguments are written for atheism but they lack the
profound assurence for your life, that is what holds for Christianity its major appeal. It gives people peace.
It lets them know that someone loves them, that somebody cares, yes that they matter.
Le Christianisme nous apporte la paix. Il nous dit que Quelqu'un nous aime, que Quelqu'un est là pour nous, que nous comptons.

In this article it states that those with this belief in God are tragic.
What is tragic about knowing that you are in this world for a reason and a purpose?
The atheist is tragic, because all he knows is that he exists, he lives, and when it is over it is over and
there is nothing more to life. To believe that you are insignificant in the universe is a daunting and somewhat
depressing thought....is'nt life hard enough as it is, without the added weight of firmly believing that nothing
and noone really cares about you and you are worthless?
Life that he holds so dearly as the only thing that matters...how poorly he regards it if he says that its most
precious moment is only now. What then? Now is gone? We are born...oh joy of life...we live...oh joy of life...
then death...joy of life is gone forever. There is no point...and how could it matter how it is that we live now,
because in the end we all die and cease to exist without a measure of how we all lived our lives. There is no
measure of existance, there is no measure of an afterlife...therefore how is it that we know that there are right
and wrong ways to live?
Wrong and right actions?
Doesn't then anything matter?
Other than this present moment in time?

If this is all that I have...what am I doing wasting my precious moments arguing the absense of an afterlife?
If i really believed this...then why in the world would I want to waste my precious one and only life in the
pursuit of giving others the same hopeless feeling that I am doomed to be in possesion of?

'...without any proof, it isnt worth counting on. Is it?'

I disagree.

By counting on it you lose nothing. You may gain nothing either, if it is not true, except the happy knowledge as you go through life that you have something better awaiting you. But why disregard this wonderful peace you could have, on the off chance that it wont be true and that you are only expecting fantasy?

I see no cons to believing. If it is all lies, then it won't matter, but how much more of a hope filled life
you have lived. And if it is true…why then you are having everything that you could have ever wished for.

If there is no other reason for believing in an after life, then believe in it for your own happiness and well
being. How much more wonderful life is once you know that you will go to a better place once you’re gone.

It cannot hurt to believe in something that maybe you cannot see.

ontological argument

Anselm's second argument: Anselm in his Proslogion 3 made another a priori argument for God, this time based on the idea of necessary existence. He claimed that, if God is that than which no greater can be conceived, it is better to be necessary than contingent; therefore, God must be necessary. To sum up:

    1. God is the entity than which nothing greater can be thought.
    2. It is greater to be necessary than not.
    3. God must therefore be necessary.
    4. Hence, God exists necessarily.

In Chapter 2 of “The Existence of Nature and God” Anslem's Argument for the Existence of God is as follows:

   1. God is something than which nothing greater can be thought.
   2. God existes in the understanding.
   3. It is greater to exist in reality and in the understanding than just in understanding.
   4. Therefore, God exists in reality

Blaise Pascal, if you will remember was a confirmed atheist.
His conversion to Christianity was the result of deep and profound thought and study.
He did'nt jump into it haphazardly. But in the end, even after his'first conversion', after being theologically
convinced what only really confirmed him as a Christian was an experience of his own, Gods own proof to him that he existed. You can reason yourself to death, but it was proved to him personally, and that is something that nomatter how many arguments you may have to the opposite, is not easily shaken.
This may not mean anything, but his two most popular masterpieces were the ones written after his conversion, on the subject of Christian faith.

I guess you can just choose what makes you the happiest. But I myself want something that I feel is truth. And Christianity is the very closest to it, if you are going to go by documentation and proof. Just take a look at how much proof there is for the Bible, the Jesus really did exist. And it stands to reason, that where there is much proof for something, if would make it most difficult for the part of it that cannot be prooved, to be a lie.

heh its wierd...cause i remember i had made a blog with these arguments how God didnt exisit...it was a very long time ago....
I went through a streak myself where I claimed I was an atheist...ya so it was most probably more rebellion than real doubt as to Gods existance...but still.
I had many arguments on the subject and find it strange to be now on the other side of theology again...
In the end, it wasnt anybody's arguments that convinced me. Nobody 'made me see the error of my ways' or showed me the lack of reason in my viewpoints.
In the end I just decided that believing in God was far better than not believing, and since that point I have
personally felt things that have convinced me that He has to be real.
This world, this life...nothing makes sense if there is not a God.
It's different for everybody, and I don't know what will make God work for you.
You've heard all your life about how God loves you, about how he sent his son to die for you...and you don't have to hear it again.

There is so much proof for the Bible, and then, that brings up the question..if it was all somehow invented, if
all of the accurateness between Bible and History, if Jesus being mentioned in Roman history books as a real
person, if all of these things are false, and all of it invented to 'make up, then where does it end?  How do we
know that any of history is true?
I know that there are others of millions of holy books, the indian creation story for starters. Now are we
expected to believe that it is all true, to swing from disbeliving in History all together?
There is fiction, there is imagination, but it has been shown that there is no other book that is so deeply
rooted in a people's culture, nor so accurately confirmed in history books of other cultures, no other co-insides so perfectly, with other, accepted to be true, secular history.
There is no proof that Helen of Troy ever existed? Why there isn't even proof for Homer...other than that his
name was written as the author of the Illiad.

For after all what is man in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either. The ends of things and their
beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.”--Blaise Pascal, Pensées #72

People like those you mentioned are not listening to God. There is such a thing as evil in this world and those people have given full sway to it...For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil...
Open your eyes. Satan also believes himself to be a god....
who is it that holds this world? The world has been opened to all matter of evils and perversions.....
but you cannot blame them on God.

By their fruits ye shall know them...
There is such a thing as demon possesion....and there is such a thing as the story of the little boy whom when asked how he could know when it was God speaking to him, he replied : “When what I hear tells me to do something good, then I know that it is God. If it tells me to do something bad then I know it is the devil, and I don't listen to it.”

i don't think we can find what is true. i do think we can find what is false.

Noone can prove what is the truth, however, we can uncover what is false.

Isn't the entire search for truth the process of looking for 'the way' . Why is it that once you have found
something that gives you the way to go, you condemn it for telling you the way? What then are you looking for?

If it's fire from the sky you won't find it...and even if God chose to strike lightining right in front of you,
you will still say that I do not know what God's will is.
I used to be an atheist at one point, and you know what in the end changed my views on the whole matter?
It wasn't anything anyone said to me. It wasnt the arguments that finally proved to me (the error of my ways).
It was sensing in my own heart and life that Jesus was there, and that He loved me. And then I still had to
make the decision to believe Him.
I think what is beautiful about God is that he cannot be proved, not in the way that I could understand, not
in a physical solid form. He can show us things, but we still have to make the choice to accept it, to believe
that those things that He is giving to us, are really from Him.
Ce que je trouve magnifique en Dieu, c'est qu'on ne peut pas prouver Son existence, ou du moins pas d'une
façon compréhensible, ni d'une forme physique et tangible. Il peut nous montrer des choses, mais nous devons quand même choisir de l'accepter, et de croire que ces choses qu'Il nous donne, viennent véritablement de Lui.

There are a lot of Christians who believe that the world is millions of years old, and yet still believe in the
Bible. They still believe that the word of God is inherrant, they just interpret the 6 day thing differently...
I myself don't believe that, but the topic isn't personal beliefs, as you pointed out earlier.

Other than the subject of how the world came into being, the Bible does not call science into question.

(in response to friend's earlier comment)
That's fine. My point was simply that you can believe whatever you want to believe...but evolution requires just as much belief in it, if not more, than the Biblical account.
And anways you're making it sound as if there is blind-eyed fanaticism on the one side, and reason, logic and
sound facts on the side of evolution...when really evolution cannot state solid proof for every one of it's
claims, to make it scientifical fact.

However, there are still Christians who prefer to believe in both, who believe that the world is millions of
years old, and yet still believe in the Bible. They still believe that the word of God is inerrant, they just
interpret the 6 day thing differently... I find that contradictory...but personal beliefs are not what is being

Oh in regards to evidence for Biblical creation:
We never claim to make God's creation of the world a science. It's the evolutionists that try to make their
faith a science, when really it should be classed as another belief system.
If you want proof for creation, you first have to look at the proof for the Bible. Look at all of the historical
accounts in the Bible that were shown to have come about;the predictions that have been fulfilled; the accounts in other history books that correspond to what was written in the Bible...I believe I gave you a book on it once.

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